Trick-or-Treat Alternatives


Halloween is a great tradition, but many people for various reasons no longer want to take their children trick-or-treating on that night. Reasons like weather, safety, or allergies can keep children from going door to door for candy, but that is no reason to stop celebrating. Here are some alternatives that can still be fun.

Go Trick-or-Treating at an Event

Often, places like malls or libraries will offer events where children can trick-or-treat in a safer environment. Keep an eye out for these events in your local newspaper or on social media, or host one if you want by reaching out to venues and having them give candy to children as they come around.

Host a Halloween Party

If your child feels left out this Halloween, host a Halloween party and have them invite their friends. Especially if your child has allergies or the weather is expected to be bad, hosting a party can help soothe the trick-or-treat blues. Make sure you have games with candy prizes along with activities the kids will enjoy.

Go to a Corn Maze

If you are just trying to avoid having a candy overload at your house, take your kids to a corn maze. After they run around and enjoy themselves, give them “treat bags” of candy or sweets that you picked out for them. If you are trying to outdo the trick-or-treat experience, give them some of their favorite baked goods, caramel apples, or snacks along with candy so that way they the kids didn’t miss anything.

In general, you don’t have to skip out on Halloween just because you skip out on the trick-or-treating. Even if you do decide to go trick-or-treating, these can be great activities to keep the spooky spirit going. Halloween doesn’t have to be complicated for it to be fun. Try unique things to make it your own if you decide the traditional trick-or-treating doesn’t for you. Remember Halloween is more about having fun than eating candy.