Early Childhood Socialization

The socialization process prepares children to function in an appropriate and acceptable manner within their society. Socialization is a process through which parents, teachers, and others in a child’s life provide them with the necessary guidance to promote their social behavior. This guidance is provided in verbal and non-verbal actions to situations including both positiveContinue reading “Early Childhood Socialization”

Brain Development

Brain research has provided a foundation within the early childhood field. Brain research has shown that no child develops in the same fashion because all brains are different (Tokuhama-Espinosa, 2011). “The brain is possibly the most complex structure in the universe and our understanding of it is still in its infancy, in spite of theContinue reading “Brain Development”

Mobile Infants and Toddlers

Room Arrangements The equipment in the infant and toddler classroom should be arranged so that the quiet activities are grouped together and the more active and noisy activities are grouped together. Each area should be inviting and contain enough space so that one activity does not interfere with another. The toys can be stored inContinue reading “Mobile Infants and Toddlers”

Infant Primary Caregiver

The role of the primary caregiver is to function as the surrogate parent while the infants are in care. The State of Michigan defines the role of the primary caregiver as the individual directly responsible for the following: verbal and physical interactions, primary responses to the infant’s physical and emotional needs, and ongoing interaction withContinue reading “Infant Primary Caregiver”