NAEYC Annual Conference 2016 Handout – Ways to Recruit, Hire, Train, and Retain the Right Person

Whether you are at the NAEYC Annual Conference or just curious to see what tactics you can use to make sure you have quality employees at your center, this handout should help you out. This handout goes with my presentation this Saturday, titled “Are You Hiring the Right Person for the Job? Ways to Recruit, Hire,Continue reading “NAEYC Annual Conference 2016 Handout – Ways to Recruit, Hire, Train, and Retain the Right Person”


What are the components of a team? A functioning team is a group of individuals that work together towards a common goal with collective objectives. However, a group of individuals working together does not always equate to a team. A group using a constructive process will be more efficient and productive as a team. WhenContinue reading “Teamwork”

The Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect

All forms of abuse and neglect are wrong. I have described a few signs of child abuse and neglect to look for when working with children. Physical Abuse Physical abuse is a non-accidental injury to a child that may include, but is not limited to, burning, beating, kicking and punching. There may be physical evidenceContinue reading “The Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect”

Child Abuse and Neglect

Mandated Reporters A mandated reporter is anyone that works with children in any capacity. Mandated reporters are required to report all forms of suspected child abuse and neglect. They are required to make an immediate verbal report (within 24 hours) when suspecting child abuse and neglect and a subsequent written report. The report has toContinue reading “Child Abuse and Neglect”

Licensing Inspection Summary Sheet

Are you feeling anxious about your licensing inspection? I have outlined a few ways to organize the required policies, procedures, and postings, as well as, your children and staff files. Having your files organized will assist you in being prepared for your next inspection. This will help to reduce any form of anxiety that you might have.Continue reading “Licensing Inspection Summary Sheet”